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Our Services

Full Groom

Health Check including skin & coat inspection. Relaxing bath with suitable shampoo for your dogs coat & skin followed by conditioner if needed. Your dog will be fluff dried with warm dryers and a good brush through. Sanitary areas trimmed. Styled to your preference followed by a spritz of cologne.

Maintenance groom

Health check. A lovely warm bath followed by a moisturising conditioner that will help your dogs coat. Fluff dried by warm dryers and a lovely relaxing brush through. Pads & sanitary areas tidied.

Puppy pampers

Puppy intros are very important to get the correct start in the salon. It’s important to get them used to the sounds, smells to reduce anxiety when they come. We recommend from 12 weeks onwards after all the injections with regular visits to maintain the coat too.

Wool coated breeds. Cockapoo, poodle, Bichon etc.

The coat on the wool coated breeds needs extra attention. The wool coat can easily Matt up very quickly if they are not brushed the correct way and down to the skin. These breeds should be groomed every 4/6 weeks and no longer to keep your dogs skin/coat in good condition.

Nail trimming

Pedicure using Dog Nail Clippers

De- matting

Your dog will be checked over on arrival and if you’re dog is very knotty/ matted then under the animal welfare act 2006 we can not brush out very knotty dogs because it can hurt them and this process takes longer. An extra £20 on top will be added due to the extra time and blunting of blades.


Deshedding is a process of removing dead hair from your dogs undercoat which may not be removed from just brushing alone. This will promote healthier skin and help with all the hair around the house. A warm bath with suitable shampoo. Fluffed dried with warm dryers. Professional tools for dead hair.

Flea and tick treatment

If we find that your dog has fleas whilst doing a health check them it will be bathed in a flea shampoo and an extra £6 will be added on top of your groom to cover costs of treating the salon after.

Blueberry Facial Spa

A light foaming facial cleanser, soothes & balances your pets skin removing tear staining from the face & eyes. This is an extra £2 on top of your groom.

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